Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Sun & Skin Care: Guideline to Protect your skin from Sun

You need to understand that excessive sun can be the skin's worst enemy. Therefore it is essential that you adopt following guidelines into your daily routine to protect your skin from the harmful radiation of the sun.

  • Avoid excessive exposure to the sun between the hours of 10.00 AM to 3.00 PM. When the radiation of the sun is intense.

  • When you are in the Sun, wear protecting clothes, such as hats, long sleeves and use sunscreen.

  • Never to use tanning beds as they are increasing source of skin damage and ageing.

  • Use a sunscreen on exposed areas of your skin everyday. When choosing one, select that protects you from both kinds of UV radiation-UVA & UVB.

  • Use sunscreen that has Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or greater. An SPF of 15 means that you can stay in the Sun 15 times longer than you normally could before your skin begins to burn.

  • Apply the sunscreen liberally and half an hour before you go out in the Sun so that the sunscreen is well absorbed into your skin.

  • You might have to try several before you find one that does not cause any skin reaction.

  • But above all, you need to remember that the best protection against skin cancer and other damage is to avoid the Sun.



Always follow the cleansing routine with toning done with a mild skin freshener, rose water or skin tonics. Toning removes the greasiness remaining from cleansing preparations, closes open pores refines the skin giving it a smooth clean texture.

Toning stimulates the blood supply of the skin and give it a fresh look the best toner is in fact cold water, other skin tonics are generally composed of infusions of herbs, flowers, vinegar, rose-water and witch-hazel. Avoid using strong skin tonics or astringents as they might dry the skin. Basically they are suitable for oily-skin type.

Toners improves skin textures.


All skin types need some type of moisturizing. Ideally used water based creams or emulsions if your skin breaks out a lot, try a lighter, oil-free moisturizer.

The best choice of a moisturizer is that which has a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15. Petrolatum, an ingredient used in many lotions and creams is an excellent moisturizer, because it helps seal in the skin's natural moisture. Because moisturizers contain different ingredients, no particular product is best for everyone. You may have to try several before you find one that is most effective for you.

A light moisturizing emulsion is the most suitable type for young skin

Moisturizers work best only if they are applied everyday. Many moisturizing creams contain alpha-hydroxy acid (also present in milk, fruits and sugar) which might help diminish wrinkles.

To sum up begin by practicing these guidelines to keep your skin healthy and prevent it from becoming dry.

  • Use warm (not hot) water for washing and bathing.

  • Use mild soaps.

  • Do not bathe for longer than is necessary to get your skin clean.

  • Apply moisturizer immediately after bathing to prevent water loss from the skin.

  • In winters, cover your hands and face by wearing gloves and scarf to keep in the moisture and protect against cold.


Protecting the skin from the sun needs to be an essential part of your daily skin care routine.Most of the UV light from the sun falls in two main wavelength bands: UVA & UVB.

UVA:- ages the skin, the rays travel far into the skin and start free-radical activity. These are responsible for cancers and certain skin sensitive reactions.

UVB:- burns and browns the skin (by triggering the pigment melanin) & can cause skin cancer. The UVB rays are even stronger than the UVA rays.

Although the damage does not show up immediately, but you need to understand that excess sun can be skin's worst enemy. It is the main cause of premature ageing, of the skin. Pollution, dramatic temperature changes and harsh detergents can also damage the skin.


Long term exposure to the sun is one of the major cause of wrinkles, other being progressive ageing.

The skin begins to sag, as the elastic collagen fibers in the skin weaken, making the skin less resilient and supported.

After the age of twenty-five, regular facial massage helps to preserve the elasticity and resilience of the skin by improving the circulation of blood to the surface of the skin.

You can buy various collagen products to apply to the skin, but it has not been proved that collagen can penetrate the skin in sufficient amounts to restore your own collagen tissues.

Consult a dermatologist before choosing a product for use. There are other ways to remove wrinkles like injecting of collagen fibers to fill out prominent and fine wrinkles, removal of flabby skin by a plastic surgeon. But these are not permanent solutions and also need to be tested for sensitivity before you can be treated.

Although wrinkles are not medical problems, some people seem to resort to them. Thus, make sure the doctor who performs the procedure is qualified, trained dermatologist or plastic surgeon.



This is the first step, in caring for your skin depending on your skin type. Throughout the day, sweat, grease, dust, stale make-up, dirt and bacteria tends to collect on your skin and needs to be removed.

Soap and water do tend to remove the impurities but are incapable of removing make up completely, hence proper cleansing is required.

Use water soluble emulsions or gels (with tepid-not hot water) or cleansing wipe pH -balanced soap-free bars.

While cleansing the skin with a cream, lotion or milk, it must be massaged into the skin with a light upward and outward movement, paying particular attention to the grease of the nose, under chin area, neck and ear lobes.

If using a cotton wool for cleansing moist if first or the day cotton wool will absorb the moisture from the skin. You might need to repeat the cleansing process 2-3 times until the cotton wool or tissue is clean.

As we proceed, you will learn about specific cleansing tips according to your individual skin types and also about various cleansing creams and lotions.

(a) Steaming:-
Steaming is beneficial for cleansing all types of skin. It helps in cleaning the skin of all surface dirt, stimulates, the circulation and unclogs blocked pores.

To make steaming more beneficial you can add a tablespoon of herbs in the water. Herbs like lavender, thyme and rosemary can be used as stimulants while cleansing.

(b) Massage:- This routine consists of a thorough cleaning. After removing the cleanser completely, the next step that follows is massage. The purpose of the massage is to relax the facial muscles and stimulate blood circulation. The massage should not extend beyond 5-10 min and should be done with clean hands. Take care not to stretch your skin while massaging.

(c) Cold Treatment:- The last step that follows cleansing is application of ice-cold water or masks to draw out the impurities and close the open pores.

This purpose of cleansing varies with various skin types. You will learn about the specific cleansing type and products as we proceed in our beauty section. We will also inform you about easy tips and masks that can be prepared at home without making any extra effort.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009




Waktu kita mau belanja bikini guna keperluan traveling, pasti tidak gampang bila kita tidak biasa membelinya. Kita bisa kunjungi butique langganan atau swim shop yang bertebaran di mal atau di pusat pakaian di Jakarta. Kalau kita mau traveling ke kota tujuan dengan agenda pantai atau wisata air, kita wajib menyiapkannya. Memang belum menjadi hal wajar di negara yang menganut adat ketimuran seperti Indonesia.

Berikut tip’s membeli bikini :

  1. Pilih butique atau swim shop yang sudah kita kenal, bila kita belum kenal paling tidak privasi kita aman.

  2. Cari yang ragam pilihannya banyak sehingga kita bisa membandingkan, jangan asal pilih tapi menyesal nanti, ragam dan model bikini banyak.

  3. Pilih bikini yang warnanya cerah hindari warna yang menyala, bikini ada yang memiliki warna gelap biasanya dipilih wanita paruh baya.

  4. Pilih bikini models bikini yang sesuai selera atau tingkat kesopanan, models bikini ada yang mini bikini, standart, G-String, swim bikini.

  5. Mini bikini sangat ngepres sekali dengan vagina dan nipple kita, cocok digunakan untuk berenang di kolam renang atau di pool indoor jadi hanya terbatas yang menonton tidak untuk konsumsi public.

  6. Standart yaitu bikini yang pas dengan ukuran vagina, pantat dan payudara sehingga bisa tertutup dan aman dari pasir pantai karena lebar bagian bawah bikini menutupi vagina kita, bagian belakang bikini juga masih menutupi bokong dan anus kita. Sehingga lebih cocok di pakai berjemur dipantai atau berenang.

  7. G-String bikini lebih kecil dibanding ukuran standart, bagian depan sama dengan standart bagian belakan di perkecil sampai ada model yang hanya merancang bagian pantat dengan tali. G-String bisa di pakai berjemur atau berenang di pasir tapi sering kontrtol pasir yang masuk dan menumpuk (sering tarik kalau pas di dalam air laut).

  8. Model terakhir Swim bikini hampir sama dengan baju renang tapi bagian samping perut dan punggung terbuka, bagian bawah dan belakang atau pantat tertutup walaupun standart. Lebih cocok untuk berkeliling dengan boat atau main jetski.

  9. Pilih bikini yang menggunakan bahan lembut (cattun, wordb) jangan berbahan nilon agak sedikit panas dan bisa iritasi pada kulit karena gesekan.

  10. Lihat harga bikini pilihan anda, transaksi bikini sangat jarang maka butique atau swim shop biasanya mematok bandrol agak mahal.

Good Luck for hunting your bikini



Rutinitas yang mampu menyita waktu wanita pekerja kantoran, sehingga sangat sulit mencari waktu untuk melakukan perawatan kulit dan tubuh.

Berbelanja atau traveling yang menjadi alternatif melepas kepenatan, walupun sekarang lagi krisis global. Untuk mendapatkan alternatif belanja ini wanita menunggu untuk belanja waktu diskonan, biar tidak menguras dompet terlalu dalam.

Spa yang kita kenal sekarang ini dapat menjadi alternatif refreshing guna mendapatkan kesegaran kulit dan tubuh, waktu memanjakan tubuh yang sangat jarang di dapat wanita pekerja. Kalau kita bisa mencari teman wanita lagi untuk saling ngobrol santai waktu di Spa, lebih ramai lebih hidup.

Semua cara atau teknik Spa sama saja, bahan atau tambahan dari masing – masing rumah spa yang agak berbeda, Spa Bali dan Jawa sudah popular di telinga kita.

Spa Jawa dan Bali juga popular di luar negeri, dilihat animo turis asing yang terus ingin memanjakan diri dengan Spa Jawa dan Bali waktu berkunjung di Indonesia.

Teknik Spa India juga kita kenal sangat popular dari berbagai penjuru dunia.

Politic Metropolitan

The Issue

What are the advantages, if any, of single sex education? Is single sex education better than co-education? What does available research have to say about the subject?


The conventional thinking thirty years ago was that coeducation would break down gender stereotypes. That thinking turned out to be flawed. Boys in coeducational settings are less likely to take courses in the arts or tackle advanced academic subjects simply to avoid being typecast as a nerd. Similarly girls avoid the sciences and technology subjects because they don't want to appear to be tomboys. Private single sex schools are flourishing once again because parents have realized that learning is probably more important than being properly socialized.