Kamis, 04 Juni 2009


You’ve probably spent a considerable amount of time studying the female G-spot: How to find it, how to stimulate it and how to turn a woman into putty with a G-spot orgasm. What most men are far less familiar with is their own male G-spot. That’s right; some of you may be surprised to learn that the prostate is, essentially, the male equivalent of a woman’s G-spot -- and yours is far, far easier to find. We realize that, for some, the idea of exploring this area may be taboo, but if you keep an open mind while reading this article, our advice could lead you to one of the best orgasms you could ever hope for.Read on as we give you the lowdown on the male G-spot and what it can do for your sex life.

Discovering your G-spotThe male G-spot isn’t all that difficult to find, but it does require a little patience. Lying on your back is generally considered to be the most comfortable position for this, so you’ll probably want to make use of the bed or perhaps a large sofa. The process will be easiest with your legs elevated, which you can do by simply leaning your legs against the wall behind the bed or draping them over the back of the sofa. If you’re still having difficulty reaching the perineum from this position, you can lift your backside further by sliding a pillow or two under your bum.Once you’ve made yourself as comfortable as possible, start by gently massaging the area surrounding your anus. Most men enjoy having their taint (also known as the perineum) stimulated, and that can certainly be incorporated into this process. Use the soft pad of your index finger while exploring, and be gentle. As you relax further, lube your finger up and let it gently brush across the surface of your anus. Repeat this move several times, each time increasing the pressure slightly. When you’re comfortable enough to begin probing, you should keep things slow and gentle, taking care to relax your sphincter during the process. Once you’ve come in contact with the male G-spot, you’ll recognize it as a small, chestnut-sized bump situated approximately two inches inward.
Stimulating your G-spotThe first step in stimulating the male G-spot is making oneself comfortable. Bathing beforehand can put a man more at ease with the process, so we recommend starting out with a nice hot shower. If you’d like to take that one step further, enemas are not at all uncommon and you may choose to add this to your regimen. Once you’re ready for stimulation, there are a number of methods you can utilize, though we recommend keeping it simple if you’re a novice; a finger will be sufficient for beginners. Regardless, you’ll want a good supply of lubrication on hand, and you’ll want the type specifically created for anal play.It will take some experimentation to discover what works best for you in terms of stimulation. Return to one of the positions we mentioned earlier (lying on your back with your legs and backside elevated) and repeat the steps you used to located the prostate. As you prepare to stimulate your G-spot, keep in mind that techniques vary greatly. Some men enjoy gentle thrusting movements, and some prefer intense, constant pressure on the prostate itself. You might prefer a mix of the two or something entirely different. The key is to give your body the chance to react and respond; take your time, the orgasm is worth it. It’s also important to note that you may not find any of these methods pleasurable during the first exploration, and that’s perfectly normal; you can always try again in the future.

The Vagina

OverviewThe vagina is the opening located directly below the urethral opening. Directly outside of the vaginal opening are the labia minor, the smooth inner lips of the vulva. Outside of the inner lips are the labia majora, the fleshier outer lips that are typically covered in hair after puberty. The clitoris is a sensitive organ. Its function is to provide sexual pleasure. It is a hard round 'button' at the top of the vulva. The clitoral structure surrounds and extends into the vagina. It contains erectile tissue, very similar to the male penis. When a women gets sexually aroused, it engorges with blood.
The clitoris is densely packed with nerve endings and, while similar in number to the penis, they are much more concentrated and closer together.When a woman is sexually aroused, the vagina begins to produce lubrication to aid in penetration. Most vaginas are only four inches in length. At the top of the vagina is what feels like a semi-hard round ball. This is your cervix, the 'neck' of your uterus. In the middle of the cervix is a small round opening, called the external orifice that leads to the uterus. The external orifice is the small opening through which menstrual blood flows from the uterus into the vagina. This is the same small opening that expands during childbirth. This is also where cells for a pap smear will be taken to make sure they are healthy. Keep in mind that the vagina is a 'potential' space. The walls of the vagina are normally in contact with each other. In other words, they are touching unless something is inserted between them; contrary to what most anatomy illustrations depict. The vagina isn't a hole or cavity inside the body. When something enters the vagina, the body must make room for it, no matter how small or large it may be.TreatmentThe vaginal walls are continually producing secretions necessary to provide lubrication, to cleanse the vagina and to maintain the proper acidity to prevent infection. The vagina tends to be fairly acidic, while sperm tends to be more of a base or alkaline. The vagina is a naturally self-cleansing body part, so douching isn't necessary to keep the vagina clean. Some women chose to use a vinegar and water douche after the end of their period, but this is not necessary. Women who like to douche, however, should do so with unscented products. Wash your vagina when you shower or bathe with a gentle soap or cleansing bar. Don't overdo it or you can irritate the sensitive lining. Additional vaginal care products are not necessary unless you have a vaginal infection, such as a urinary tract infection.

Perawatan tungkai dan kaki

Tip Perawatan Kaki Sehat

Bila tumit yang pecah-pecah memang sangat mengganggu penampilan anda. Mungkin anda sudah tahu bahwa ‘gangguan’ tersebut bisa diatasi dengan cara menggosoknya memakai batu apung. Namun bagian yang tersulit adalah mempertahankannya agar tidak pecah-pecah lagi. Ada rahasia agar tumit anda tidak lagi tampak bak parutan. Cobalah anda ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.
Yang pertama adalah merendam kaki anda dengan air suam-suam kaku. Gosoklah kaki anda secara perlahan dengan batu apung atau penggosok khusus untuk tumit kaki. Lalu angkat dan keringkan kaki dengan handuk.

Kaki kelihatannya hampir mirip dengan tangan. Tetapi, kaki tidak selalu mendapatkan perawatan yang sama dengan tangan. Karena tangan lebih sering terbuka, maka kita biasanya lebih memperhatikannya dengan melakukan manicure, memakai krim serta lotion. Kadang-kadang, kita mungkin dengan mudahnya mengabaikan kaki. Padahal hal ini bisa mengakibatkan kuku jari kaki menjadi kuning dan tebal, kulit kaki jadi kering dan mengelupas, serta bisa mengakibatkan terjadinya penyakit seperti infeksi. Perawatan kaki tidaklah sulit, Anda bisa mencoba beberapa tip sederhana berikut.

Tungkai & Kaki Indah Dambaan Wanita

"Kalau hanya untuk membuat tungkai lebih kecil, maka harus melakukan latihan-latihan yang bersifat aerobik untuk meningkatkan pembakaran dari wilayah-wilayah yang terlihat menggelembung. Adapun jenis latihan yang dapat ditempuh terdiri dari jalan sehat, jogging, flaming (lari) dan bersepeda atau renang," kata Direktur Slim & Health Sports Theraphy itu ketika dihubungi okezone melalui telepon genggamnya beberapa waktu lalu.Menurut almamater Atma Jaya yang meneruskan studi spesialisasi kedokteran olahraga di Universitas Indonesia itu, seluruh intensitas yang dilakukan harus dengan rajin. "Artinya, 50-70 persen dari denyut maksimal atau denyut nadi maksimal 100 persen adalah 220-usia dalam tahun. Kalau ingin melatih tungkai agar kecil, maka 50X200X140 per menit denyut jantung maksimal. Denyut jantung dapat diperiksa dengan alat denyut nadi jantung atau melakukan dengan meraba denyut pembuluh darah di pergelangan tangan atau leher," ungkap dokter yang telah menulis buku mengenai "Jalan Sehat dengan Sports Therapy" serta "Langsing dan Sehat Dengan Sports Therapy" itu.Masih menurut Michael, selain latihan aerobik ada hal lain yang dilakukan yaitu dengan latihan anaerobik untuk otot-otot di daerah tertentu. Yaitu dengan cara melakukan latihan menggunakan beban. Latihan anaerobik menggunakan beban berat, tapi ukurannya bukan berdasarkan pada gram, hanya waktunya pendek sehingga repetisi tidak banyak.Menurutnya lagi, kalau tungkai dan kaki sudah kecil tapi ingin lebih berotot, maka dapat melakukan latihan dengan intensitas sedang. Sehingga denyut nadi atau jantung tidak 50-70 persen, tapi dapat dipakai 70-90 persen. Karena itu, boleh menggunakan beban.Terdiri dari latihan side kick straight leg, yaitu dengan cara mengenakan ankle weight (pemberat pergelangan kaki dengan berat 0,5-1 kg) pada kedua pergelangan kaki. Berbaringlah dengan posisi tubuh menyamping pada matras dengan sisi tubuh sebelah kanan menopang tubuh sebelah kiri. Pertemukan kedua lutut, sementara tungkai kiri dalam posisi lurus. Kemudian, sambung bapak dua orang putra ini, gerakan lain yang harus dilakukan ialah sandarkan kepala pada tangan kanan sedangkan lengan bawah dibiarkan lurus. Letakkan tangan kiri di depan dada untuk menjaga keseimbangan dan pandangan lurus ke depan. Angkat kaki kiri secara perlahan-lahan ke atas hingga sejajar dengan bahu. Pada saat yang sama, kontraksikan otot-otot perut sedangkan pinggul tetap menghadap ke depan dan telapak kaki datar.
Tahan dalam satu hitungan, turunkan pelan, setelah itu lakukan latihan yang sama untuk tungkai yang lainnya.Sedangkan untuk membentuk paha dalam, terdapat latihan yang harus ditempuh. "Paha bagian dalam terdiri atas beberapa otot yaitu otot-otot adductor yang sangat penting dalam membentuk paha yang mulus dan berperan besar pada saat berjalan," papar pria berusia 49 tahun yang telah kenyang asam garam dalam masalah-masalah olahraga itu. Salah satu latihan yang dapat ditempuh ialah inner tight with ball.Adapun cara yang dilakukan dengan duduk di atas bench yang nyaman, sedangkan tubuh tegap, kedua kaki dibuka selebar bahu. Letakkan bola karet pada kedua ujung lutut, pada saat yang sama kontraksikan otot-otot perut dan pandangan lurus ke depan. Jepit otot tersebut kuat-kuat dengan menggunakan otot paha dalam dan lakukan sebanyak dua hitungan kemudian kembali perlahan ke posisi awal.Sementara itu, untuk melatih tungkai, maka dapat dilakukan dengan berdiri relaks, lipat sendi lutut kanan ke arah depan, tarik lutut tersebut mendekati dada. T
ahan selama delapan hitungan kemudian turunkan, lanjutkan dengan cara yang sama untuk tungkai kiri. "Berdirilah relaks, angkat kaki kiri dengan melipat sendi lutut ke arah belakang sehingga terasa peregangan otot di daerah otot paha depan. Tahan posisi tersebut selama delapan hitungan lakukan untuk tungkai kanan," kata staf pengajar program studi Ilmu Kedokteran Olahraga FKUI ini. Berdiri dengan relaks, tungkai kanan dijulurkan ke arah depan, telapak kaki akan mengarah ke atas terhadap lantai. Rasakan tarikan pada otot-otot paha belakang, tahan posisi selama delapan hitungan kemudian relaks dan kembali ke posisi semula. Lakukan gerakan yang sama untuk kaki kiri."Berdiri relaks, letakkan kaki kanan di depan tubuh kemudian perlahan-lahan lipat lutut dan rendahkan tubuh ke arah depan, pertahankan posisi tersebut selama delapan hitungan. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk sisi sebelah kiri," pungkasnya.

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Sun & Skin Care: Guideline to Protect your skin from Sun

You need to understand that excessive sun can be the skin's worst enemy. Therefore it is essential that you adopt following guidelines into your daily routine to protect your skin from the harmful radiation of the sun.

  • Avoid excessive exposure to the sun between the hours of 10.00 AM to 3.00 PM. When the radiation of the sun is intense.

  • When you are in the Sun, wear protecting clothes, such as hats, long sleeves and use sunscreen.

  • Never to use tanning beds as they are increasing source of skin damage and ageing.

  • Use a sunscreen on exposed areas of your skin everyday. When choosing one, select that protects you from both kinds of UV radiation-UVA & UVB.

  • Use sunscreen that has Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or greater. An SPF of 15 means that you can stay in the Sun 15 times longer than you normally could before your skin begins to burn.

  • Apply the sunscreen liberally and half an hour before you go out in the Sun so that the sunscreen is well absorbed into your skin.

  • You might have to try several before you find one that does not cause any skin reaction.

  • But above all, you need to remember that the best protection against skin cancer and other damage is to avoid the Sun.



Always follow the cleansing routine with toning done with a mild skin freshener, rose water or skin tonics. Toning removes the greasiness remaining from cleansing preparations, closes open pores refines the skin giving it a smooth clean texture.

Toning stimulates the blood supply of the skin and give it a fresh look the best toner is in fact cold water, other skin tonics are generally composed of infusions of herbs, flowers, vinegar, rose-water and witch-hazel. Avoid using strong skin tonics or astringents as they might dry the skin. Basically they are suitable for oily-skin type.

Toners improves skin textures.


All skin types need some type of moisturizing. Ideally used water based creams or emulsions if your skin breaks out a lot, try a lighter, oil-free moisturizer.

The best choice of a moisturizer is that which has a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15. Petrolatum, an ingredient used in many lotions and creams is an excellent moisturizer, because it helps seal in the skin's natural moisture. Because moisturizers contain different ingredients, no particular product is best for everyone. You may have to try several before you find one that is most effective for you.

A light moisturizing emulsion is the most suitable type for young skin

Moisturizers work best only if they are applied everyday. Many moisturizing creams contain alpha-hydroxy acid (also present in milk, fruits and sugar) which might help diminish wrinkles.

To sum up begin by practicing these guidelines to keep your skin healthy and prevent it from becoming dry.

  • Use warm (not hot) water for washing and bathing.

  • Use mild soaps.

  • Do not bathe for longer than is necessary to get your skin clean.

  • Apply moisturizer immediately after bathing to prevent water loss from the skin.

  • In winters, cover your hands and face by wearing gloves and scarf to keep in the moisture and protect against cold.


Protecting the skin from the sun needs to be an essential part of your daily skin care routine.Most of the UV light from the sun falls in two main wavelength bands: UVA & UVB.

UVA:- ages the skin, the rays travel far into the skin and start free-radical activity. These are responsible for cancers and certain skin sensitive reactions.

UVB:- burns and browns the skin (by triggering the pigment melanin) & can cause skin cancer. The UVB rays are even stronger than the UVA rays.

Although the damage does not show up immediately, but you need to understand that excess sun can be skin's worst enemy. It is the main cause of premature ageing, of the skin. Pollution, dramatic temperature changes and harsh detergents can also damage the skin.


Long term exposure to the sun is one of the major cause of wrinkles, other being progressive ageing.

The skin begins to sag, as the elastic collagen fibers in the skin weaken, making the skin less resilient and supported.

After the age of twenty-five, regular facial massage helps to preserve the elasticity and resilience of the skin by improving the circulation of blood to the surface of the skin.

You can buy various collagen products to apply to the skin, but it has not been proved that collagen can penetrate the skin in sufficient amounts to restore your own collagen tissues.

Consult a dermatologist before choosing a product for use. There are other ways to remove wrinkles like injecting of collagen fibers to fill out prominent and fine wrinkles, removal of flabby skin by a plastic surgeon. But these are not permanent solutions and also need to be tested for sensitivity before you can be treated.

Although wrinkles are not medical problems, some people seem to resort to them. Thus, make sure the doctor who performs the procedure is qualified, trained dermatologist or plastic surgeon.



This is the first step, in caring for your skin depending on your skin type. Throughout the day, sweat, grease, dust, stale make-up, dirt and bacteria tends to collect on your skin and needs to be removed.

Soap and water do tend to remove the impurities but are incapable of removing make up completely, hence proper cleansing is required.

Use water soluble emulsions or gels (with tepid-not hot water) or cleansing wipe pH -balanced soap-free bars.

While cleansing the skin with a cream, lotion or milk, it must be massaged into the skin with a light upward and outward movement, paying particular attention to the grease of the nose, under chin area, neck and ear lobes.

If using a cotton wool for cleansing moist if first or the day cotton wool will absorb the moisture from the skin. You might need to repeat the cleansing process 2-3 times until the cotton wool or tissue is clean.

As we proceed, you will learn about specific cleansing tips according to your individual skin types and also about various cleansing creams and lotions.

(a) Steaming:-
Steaming is beneficial for cleansing all types of skin. It helps in cleaning the skin of all surface dirt, stimulates, the circulation and unclogs blocked pores.

To make steaming more beneficial you can add a tablespoon of herbs in the water. Herbs like lavender, thyme and rosemary can be used as stimulants while cleansing.

(b) Massage:- This routine consists of a thorough cleaning. After removing the cleanser completely, the next step that follows is massage. The purpose of the massage is to relax the facial muscles and stimulate blood circulation. The massage should not extend beyond 5-10 min and should be done with clean hands. Take care not to stretch your skin while massaging.

(c) Cold Treatment:- The last step that follows cleansing is application of ice-cold water or masks to draw out the impurities and close the open pores.

This purpose of cleansing varies with various skin types. You will learn about the specific cleansing type and products as we proceed in our beauty section. We will also inform you about easy tips and masks that can be prepared at home without making any extra effort.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009




Waktu kita mau belanja bikini guna keperluan traveling, pasti tidak gampang bila kita tidak biasa membelinya. Kita bisa kunjungi butique langganan atau swim shop yang bertebaran di mal atau di pusat pakaian di Jakarta. Kalau kita mau traveling ke kota tujuan dengan agenda pantai atau wisata air, kita wajib menyiapkannya. Memang belum menjadi hal wajar di negara yang menganut adat ketimuran seperti Indonesia.

Berikut tip’s membeli bikini :

  1. Pilih butique atau swim shop yang sudah kita kenal, bila kita belum kenal paling tidak privasi kita aman.

  2. Cari yang ragam pilihannya banyak sehingga kita bisa membandingkan, jangan asal pilih tapi menyesal nanti, ragam dan model bikini banyak.

  3. Pilih bikini yang warnanya cerah hindari warna yang menyala, bikini ada yang memiliki warna gelap biasanya dipilih wanita paruh baya.

  4. Pilih bikini models bikini yang sesuai selera atau tingkat kesopanan, models bikini ada yang mini bikini, standart, G-String, swim bikini.

  5. Mini bikini sangat ngepres sekali dengan vagina dan nipple kita, cocok digunakan untuk berenang di kolam renang atau di pool indoor jadi hanya terbatas yang menonton tidak untuk konsumsi public.

  6. Standart yaitu bikini yang pas dengan ukuran vagina, pantat dan payudara sehingga bisa tertutup dan aman dari pasir pantai karena lebar bagian bawah bikini menutupi vagina kita, bagian belakang bikini juga masih menutupi bokong dan anus kita. Sehingga lebih cocok di pakai berjemur dipantai atau berenang.

  7. G-String bikini lebih kecil dibanding ukuran standart, bagian depan sama dengan standart bagian belakan di perkecil sampai ada model yang hanya merancang bagian pantat dengan tali. G-String bisa di pakai berjemur atau berenang di pasir tapi sering kontrtol pasir yang masuk dan menumpuk (sering tarik kalau pas di dalam air laut).

  8. Model terakhir Swim bikini hampir sama dengan baju renang tapi bagian samping perut dan punggung terbuka, bagian bawah dan belakang atau pantat tertutup walaupun standart. Lebih cocok untuk berkeliling dengan boat atau main jetski.

  9. Pilih bikini yang menggunakan bahan lembut (cattun, wordb) jangan berbahan nilon agak sedikit panas dan bisa iritasi pada kulit karena gesekan.

  10. Lihat harga bikini pilihan anda, transaksi bikini sangat jarang maka butique atau swim shop biasanya mematok bandrol agak mahal.

Good Luck for hunting your bikini